Project Joshua

Project Joshua
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Contact Info

Prof. Saitoti Ave. (off Ring Road Westlands) Kenya

(+254) 111 023 000

Missions Department

Missions (Evangelism)

“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? How beautiful are the feel of those who bring good news!” [Romans 10:14-15]

  1. Missions Commanded: Missions is not an option. God has a world vision and He has invested in this earth by sending His own Son. He has loved the world and sent His Son to reconcile it back to Him. Now the Son has sent us to make disciples of all nations. It is personal and it is corporate. It is a command for the now. [Matthew 28:18-20]
  2. Missions Located: Missions is about going to specific people and specific places. He has so designed each one of us to reach the various ethnos around us and beyond. He has foreseen every tribe and language and people standing before the throne. He has empowered us with the Holy Spirit. We may you various methods and ways to do this through His wisdom and power. [Acts 1:8]
  3. Missions Motivated: Missions is not about reaching out to people we do not like. It is not about going and condemning the lost. IT is loving others the way God has loved us. IT is about having compassion for the lost. It is loving God enough so that we overflow with love for our neighbour. [Mark 10:30-31]
  4. Missions Propagated: Missions is about networking and partnering with others of like faith and purpose to see that this gospel of the Kingdom is preached and proclaimed to the ends of the earth. IT is introducing men and women to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. [Matthew 24:14]
  5. Mission Celebrated: Missions is good news and good acts that brings joy and praises to all who receive it. It is not about making people more religious. It is about bringing transformation in people lives, who then change their communities in a positive way. [Acts 13:48, 49, 52]


  1. Uniformed Outreach
  2. School Outreach
    • College & University
    • Secondary School
    • Primary School
  3. Marginalized Groups
    • Street families outreach
    • Children Homes outreach
    • Homes of the Aged
  4. Medical Outreach
  5. Relief & Emergency Response
  6. Asian Outreach
    • Chinese Outreach
    • Muslim Outreach
    • Hindu Outreach
  7. Survey & Missions Intelligence
  8. New  Frontiers
    • Isiolo
    • Tana Delta
  9. Internationals / Diaspora Outreach